The Supreme Court has ordered that Mukesh Ambani, the chairman and chief executive officer of Reliance Industries, and his family members be provided with maximum Z+ security cover both domestically and overseas. In accordance with the court’s ruling, they must pay all expenses and costs related to providing defendant Mukesh Ambani with the highest level of Z+ security cover, whether he is in India or overseas. A jury of judges, which included Krishna Murari and Ahsanuddin Amanullah, published these rules on Monday.
According to the court, discussions about the security protection provided to the defendant Mukesh Ambani and his family took place in a number of venues and High Courts. According to the court’s orders, the State of Maharashtra and the Ministry of Home Affairs must offer respondent Mukesh Ambani and his family the highest Z+ security protection when they’re traveling throughout India as well as abroad (MHA). They must pay for all expenses, including those related to providing defendant Mukesh Ambani with the top-level Z+ security cover, the court declared, regardless of whether he’s in India or another country.
After hearing arguments from competent representatives on both sides, we believe that in the event of a security threat, the respondents’ security protection, even if paid for by them, cannot be limited to a specific location or residence. The court stated that after looking into the business ventures of defendants nos. 2 to 6 (Mukesh Ambani as well as his family), both inside and outside of the nation, the very goal of providing security cover would be defeated if it is limited to a specific location or area.
The Supreme Court has ordered that Mukesh Ambani, the chairman and chief executive officer of Reliance Industries, and his family receive the highest Z+ security protection while traveling throughout India and abroad, with all costs to be covered by them. Because of the controversy surrounding the matter, the court has decided that the security protection provided to Ambani and his family cannot be limited to a specific location or residence if there is a security risk.