Purplle.com, a leading player in India’s beauty and personal care e-commerce sector, made waves by raising $33 Mn funding from South Korean investor Paramark Ventures. Spearheaded by Co-founder and CEO Manish Taneja, Purplle.com has emerged as a frontrunner in the online beauty market, with a vision to revolutionize how consumers experience and access beauty products.
According to the latest post-round ownership report, the founders, including Manish Taneja, collectively hold a 12.38% stake in Purplle.com, boasting a net worth of INR 1,020 crore. This significant ownership stake underscores the founders’ steadfast commitment and belief in the company’s mission and growth potential.
Headquartered in Mumbai, Maharashtra, Purplle.com strategically operates within India’s bustling commercial landscape, tapping into the nation’s diverse consumer base and thriving beauty market. Ghatkopar West Assembly constituency serves as the headquarters for Purplle.com, anchoring the company within the vibrant fabric of Mumbai’s business ecosystem.
With Manish Taneja at the helm, Purplle.com is poised for accelerated growth and expansion, fueled by the proposed investment from ADIA. The partnership with ADIA not only signifies investor confidence in Purplle.com’s business model but also presents strategic opportunities for global market expansion and innovation