Reliance Industries, led by Mukesh Ambani, has announced the relaunch of the iconic Indian soft drink brand, Campa Cola, after acquiring the rights to the brand name from Pure Drinks Group. The company is planning to reintroduce Campa Cola in three flavors – Cola, Lemon, and Orange – in the Indian market. The company has not yet announced the price or availability of the product.
Campa Cola was first introduced in India in the 1970s and quickly became one of the country’s most popular soft drinks. However, in 2006, the brand was hit with a legal controversy when the Supreme Court ordered the demolition of several unauthorized high-rise buildings in Mumbai, including the Campa Cola compound, which housed the brand’s factory.
This led to the suspension of the production of soft drinks. The relaunch of Campa-Cola is expected to strengthen Reliance’s presence in the Indian soft drinks market, which is currently dominated by multinational giants Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. The company has also formed a new subsidiary, Reliance Beverage Ventures Ltd., to oversee the production and marketing of the brand.
The company has already begun production at its manufacturing facility in the state of Maharashtra and is reportedly planning to expand its production capacity to meet the expected demand for the product. In addition, the company has begun a marketing effort to promote the brand, which includes social media advertisements and billboards. The reintroduction of Campa Cola has been met with enthusiasm by consumers and industry experts alike. Many have expressed nostalgia for the brand and have welcomed its return to the market.
Some experts have also noted that the launch of Campa Cola could provide a boost to the Indian soft drinks industry, which has been hit hard by the COVID-19 pandemic. Overall, the relaunch of Campa Cola is a significant move for Reliance Industries and is expected to generate a considerable amount of interest in the Indian market.
The success of the brand will depend on several factors, including pricing, distribution, and marketing strategies. However, considering the brand’s history and appeal, many people are positive about its prospects.