BlinkIt, Zomato’s quick commerce delivery service, has been temporarily unavailable in some areas of Delhi and Mumbai due to a strike by its delivery partners. The delivery partners have reportedly been protesting against the company’s recent changes in its pay structure. The new payment structure, introduced by Zomato, is based on a combination of factors such as distance, weight, and time taken to deliver the order. The delivery partners claim that this new structure has significantly reduced their earnings, leading to financial distress.
According to reports, the delivery partners are demanding a fixed payout per order, similar to what is offered by other food delivery services such as Swiggy and Dunzo. They have also alleged that Zomato has been engaging in unfair practices, such as giving preferential treatment to certain delivery partners and reducing the number of orders assigned to others. Zomato has acknowledged the problem and claimed that it is being addressed as quickly as possible.
In a statement, the company said that they value their delivery partners and are committed to providing them with fair compensation. They have also assured us that they will continue to engage with their delivery partners to address their concerns. The strike has caused inconvenience to customers who rely on BlinkIt’s quick delivery service for their daily essentials. However, Zomato has stated that they are working to restore the service as soon as possible, and are exploring alternative solutions to ensure that their customers’ needs are met.
The incident highlights the challenges faced by the gig economy in providing fair compensation to its workers, who often operate on the margins of the workforce. The growing reliance on gig workers, especially during the pandemic, has brought to the fore the need for a more robust regulatory framework that can protect the interests of these workers while also ensuring the sustainability of the industry.