Tamil Nadu has banned online gaming, including online rummy, with a penalty of up to Rs 10 lakh or three years of imprisonment. The Tamil Nadu government issued an ordinance amending the Tamil Nadu Gaming Act, 1930, and the Tamil Nadu City Police Act, 1888, on Friday, citing the negative impact of online games on people, especially youth. The state government claimed that online gaming had led to addiction, loss of money, and mental health problems.
The ordinance prohibits any person or company from “wagering or betting in cyberspace”, any person caught violating the law will face punishment. The government has also urged internet service providers to block access to online gaming websites. The Gaming Federation, an industry body, has expressed its disagreement with the move, arguing that the gaming industry contributes significantly to the economy and generates employment opportunities.
The Federation has stated that it will challenge the ban in court. The move has sparked a debate on the impact of online gaming, with some people arguing that it can be a source of entertainment and a way to earn money. However, others claim that online gaming can lead to addiction, especially among young people, and can cause financial and psychological harm. Several states in India have already banned online gaming, including Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, and Nagaland.
The Tamil Nadu government’s move has received mixed reactions from the public, with some welcoming the ban as a necessary step to curb the negative impact of online gaming. Others have criticized the move, arguing that it violates individual freedom and will not address the root causes of addiction and other problems associated with online gaming. In conclusion, Tamil Nadu’s decision to ban online gaming has sparked a debate on the impact of online gaming and the role of the government in regulating it. The Gaming Federation has expressed its disagreement with the move and plans to challenge the ban in court.