According to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Indian Railways has completed 100% electrification of its rail network in the northern state of Haryana. The completion of electrification work on the remaining 30-kilometer stretch of track between Rajpura and Bathinda enabled this achievement. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic’s challenges, the project was completed ahead of schedule.
The electrification of Haryana’s rail network will have several advantages, including increased speed and efficiency, lower fuel consumption, and lower carbon emissions. It will also result in cost savings for the Indian Railways, as diesel locomotives are more expensive to operate and maintain than electric trains.
Prime Minister Modi congratulated Indian Railways on the accomplishment, saying that electrifying the rail network in Haryana is a significant step toward reducing the country’s carbon footprint. He also emphasized the importance of adopting sustainable practices and urged the country to increase its use of renewable energy sources.
Haryana’s rail network will be electrified as part of the Indian Railways’ plan to electrify the entire rail network by 2023. The initiative aims to reduce the country’s reliance on fossil fuels and promote environmentally friendly transportation. With over 68,000 kilometers of track and over 9,000 stations, India Railways is one of the world’s largest railway networks.
The electrification of Haryana’s rail network is expected to have a significant economic impact on the state. Electric trains’ increased speed and efficiency will result in faster transportation of goods and people, resulting in increased economic activity. It will also generate new job opportunities in the state, as demand for skilled workers in the railway industry is expected to rise.
To summarize, the electrification of Haryana’s rail network is a significant accomplishment for Indian Railways and a step toward achieving sustainable transportation in the country. It is expected to boost the state’s economy, create new job opportunities, and result in lower carbon emissions.